Sgt Christopher Reed

Project information

  • Category: Fund Raising
  • Benefit: Housing for Sargeant Christopher Reed
  • Project date: 01 November, 2022
  • Project URL:

Christopher Robert Reed now is age 51...

Christopher Robert Reed now age 51, joined army when he was only 24 in 1996. He was stationed at Fort Jackson, South Carolina where he started basic training and advanced infantry training. After completion of his training he then went on to Franklin, North Carolina, Fort Polk and Fort Bragg for military operations before being transferred to Fort Dix, New Jersey where he was ordered to Kuwait and Iraq. In Iraq he served in the war 18 months before being hit several times with an IED and mortar rounds which caused paralysis in his legs with shrapnel injury and, hearing loss. Christopher was layed up in the hospital for three weeks with many injuries in Baghdad before he was returned to the states. He was awarded personally by the Commander and Chief for his valor. Christopher now resides in Steinhatchee, Florida where he continues with surgerys and pain management. Christopher says he takes one day at a time with help from God and support from friends and fellow brothers making the best of every day.